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Hastings Public Library
Fighter Pilot James P. Dibble - Veteran's Day Program
WWI Ace Eddie Rickenbacker addressing the 1st Fighter Group, Chateaudun-du-Rhumel, Algeria, May 14, 1943

Fighter Pilot James P. Dibble - Veteran's Day Program


Nov 07, 2022 from 06:30 PM to 08:00 PM (America/New_York / UTC-500)


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Do You Know James P. Dibble?

Join us as James' nephew, Jim Dibble, discusses his uncle's life, military training, missions and death.

A Hastings, MI resident, James was a fighter pilot in WWII who died serving his country. 

James P. Dibble in his Army Aircore Uniform ca. 1943

  • He Graduated from Hastings High School in 1939
  • He married his high school sweetheart
  • He trained to work in bakeries, but....
  • He became a fighter pilot in 1942
  • He earned the Distinguished Flying Cross
  • He was shot down in Italy in 1943 on his 49th mission

Learn about the long journey to find the truth, how Jim and his brother Ted located James' crash site and how he received a posthumous Distinguished Flying Cross.

Watch a video chronicling the journey of discovery, see parts of the plane and learn more about this homegrown military hero.

James P. Dibble standing by his P-38 named Mickey after his wife