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Hastings Public Library, Hastings, MI

Library Value Calculator

What's Your Michigan Library Worth to You?

Individualized Return on Investment Calculator

Your Use Library Services Value of Services

Physical Items

Electronic/Downloadable Items

Reference Services

Computer and Technology Services

The total value for the services you listed above = $

*Your personal return on investment is based on your responses and the typical annual tax contribution for your Michigan library. You see a returned value of $ for every one dollar invested.

Values used in the calculations above: Physical Items
Value of a book checked out at a library = $20.07
Value of a book on CD checked out at a library = $10.72
Value of a playaway/tablet book checked out at a library = $10.72
Value of a music CD checked out at a library = $10.23
Value of a magazine read at the library = $5.12
Value of a movie on DVD checked out at a library = $3.07
Values used in the calculations above: Electronic/Downloadable Items
Value of an eBook accessed via a library = $10.24
Value of an audiobook download accessed via a library = $23.55
Value of a magazine digital download accessed via a library = $5.12
Value of a streamed movie accessed via a library = $4.10
Value of a song accessed via a library = $1.01
Values used in the calculations above: Reference Services
Value of asking a reference question at a library = $9
Value of a reference book replaced every 24 months = $4.75
Value of accessing an online article via a library = $10.24
Value of using an online professional training class - such as academic skills building - via a library = $61.44
Value of a non-circulating periodical at a library = $5.12
Values used in the calculations above: Computer and Technology Services
Value of using a library computer for an hour = $30.11
Value of using library wi-fi for an hour = $5.12
Value of computer training with a library staff member for an hour = $25.60

Additional Values: Other Library Services
Value of hourly meeting room use = $51.20
Value of a children's library program = $20.48
Value of a young adult library program = $15.36
Value of an adult library program = $25.60
Value of a one hour homework help session = $61.44
Average value of a breakfast, lunch, or snack through the Summer Food Programs = $2.30
Value of a visit to the library's bookmobile = $BLANK

Adapted from the Library Research Service Return on Investment calculator code.

You are seeing a returned value of $ for every one dollar invested!

Values updated at Library of Michigan January, 2019
