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Hastings Public Library, Hastings, MI

How Do I Volunteer at the Library

The Hastings Public Library is indebted to all of the amazing volunteers who help us provide services to the community. Without volunteers, we could not do all that we do.

Volunteers help with many projects across the building. Some are ongoing while many are unique things that happen only occasionally or a single time. A few projects that volunteers help us with regularly include:

  • Re-shelving returned books
  • Landscaping maintenance
  • Assistance at programs
  • Crafts for programs
  • Reading to children through RIF and ROAR
  • Material indexing and organization

The Library also helps patrons in need of community service when possible.

Applying to Be a Volunteer

All volunteers must complete an application form. We then do a background check before allowing any volunteer to work in the building, especially with children. Forms can be completed in person or brought in after filling out at home.

Once received, a Library representative will review the application, perform a background check, and get back to you regarding the application status. Please allow up to two weeks for this process.

Note we do not always have opportunities available for volunteering but will retain applications for future contact if desired.
