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Hastings Public Library, Hastings, MI

How Do I Get a Non-Resident Library Card

Library Service Area

The Hastings Public Library (HPL) is directly supported through taxes/millage by the City of Hastings, Rutland Charter Township and Hastings Charter Township (our service area) but ultimately serves the larger surrounding geographic area as well.

Anyone may use the library's computers (no ID or library card required), attend programs or use our facility, but only patrons living in or owning property in our service area can obtain standard library cards.

Anyone living outside our service area who does not have a valid library card from another Lakeland Library Cooperative (LLC) library can purchase a non-resident card.


Non-resident cards are good for the entire household. We will issue multiple cards for the single cost if desired. Alternatively, the primary card holder can designate multiple people to have access to the account.

Non-resident cards cost $25 per quarter or $100 per year. This is the average cost paid by residents within the HPL service area through their taxes.


Non-resident cards are restricted per guidelines (PDF) from the Lakeland Library Cooperative. Non-resident cards:

  • Can only check out materials owned by the Hastings Public Library.
  • Cannot request items from other libraries in LLC or through MeL.

Non-resident cards DO have access to our digital collection.

Getting a Non-Resident Card

Bring valid ID and cash or check to the library during normal business hours and we will be happy to issue a non-resident library card to you. We do not need any ID other than a drivers license or state ID.

Non-resident cards cannot be requested through our mobile app since there is a fee.
