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Hastings Public Library
Family Science Night

Family Science Night


Feb 08, 2023 from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM (America/New_York / UTC-500)


Entire Library

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Come to the Library for Family Science Night.

Experience dozens of hands-on, family friendly science activities for kids of all ages.

This event is Free to everyone.

Come and have fun while learning at the same time.
Some of the activities will include:

  • The Battle Creek Outdoor Education Center and their owl
  • the Substance Abuse Task Force is bringing a pig lung
  • Kickstart will have banks to decorate
  • The YMCA will demonstrate the Fly Science of Physical Movement
  • Kellogg Community College is doing kitchen chemistry

Presented through a partnership between

Pierce Cedar Creek Institute logo

 Great Start Collaborative of Barry County logo


HPL Logo