Wolves of Isle Royale: A Broken Balance
- https://www.hastingspubliclibrary.org/news-events/calendar/wolves-of-isle-royale-a-broken-balance
- Wolves of Isle Royale: A Broken Balance
- 2023-04-05T20:00:00-04:00
- 2023-04-05T21:00:00-04:00
Apr 05, 2023 from 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM (America/New_York / UTC-400)
Community Room or via Zoom
The History Hounds, a program from the Michigan Historical Society, presents the Wolves of Isle Royale.
Isle Royale National Park—with its wolves, moose, and lush northern landscape—is an ideal laboratory for wildlife biologists. For more than half a century, it has been the site of a comprehensive study on wolves—the world’s longest-running study on any wild animal. Join author and wildlife biologist Rolf Olin Peterson to hear a firsthand account of the relationships, natures, and crises of the island’s wolf population.
Email the Library at Staff@HastingsPublicLibrary.org for information on how to register to view this program remotely or come watch with us in the Community Room.
Enjoy learning about Michigan history in a casual setting? History Hounds lectures are for you!
Join History Hounds for their weekly History Hounds presentations and discover more of Michigan's history as a participant from Hastings Public Library. From the Underground Railroad to shipwrecks, our diverse offering of lectures are a popular event for their members and community. You can find a schedule of upcoming topics and speakers at https://www.hsmichigan.org/learn/programs/history-hounds