Useful Plants - Community Plant Walk
- Useful Plants - Community Plant Walk
- 2023-07-27T20:00:00-04:00
- 2023-07-27T21:00:00-04:00
Jul 27, 2023 from 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM (America/New_York / UTC-400)
Bliss Riverside Park
Do you know that Dogwood twigs were used by Native Americans as toothbrushes by chewing on branches?
That comfrey can be used to relieve skin conditions, pain, & inflammation and in the long distance past called boneset?
Join the Hastings Public Library staff and Christin Othmer at the parking lot of the Bliss Riverside Park behind the Hastings Incubator and wander the river and lowland area to find useful plants on July 27 at 7pm.
Bring your water bottle for a waterproof HPL “Read Beyond the Beaten Path” sticker.
Please wear appropriate gear and insect repellent. This is not a foraging walk. . . but maybe we will discuss a Zombie Apocalypse created food shortage.