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Hastings Public Library
Great Books Club

Great Books Club

The goal of the club is to try and find like minding people to study Philosophy and its offspring natural science, to then use the Socratic method to talk about the work.


Feb 26, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM (America/New_York / UTC-500)


Michigan Room

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(616) 329-5785

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Interested parties can Dakota James Owen contact by email: or phone (616) 329-5785

The goal of the club is to try and find like minding people to study Philosophy and its offspring natural science, to then use the Socratic method to talk about the work. I have a handful of places that I can put up flyers to advertise it. The flyer attached is a rough draft of what I got so far. The date is just when my friends and I met last summer. The library has a set of books called: Great Books of the Western World. The idea is to use it as a guide set to go through some of the greatest philosophy and sometimes Literature of our western tradition. These books are also the foundation of what groups like Hillsdale College, use as a foundation as education for their liberal arts (cf. classical & Jefferson education), both at the college level at more of a glance and at a k-12 level with the charter schools, they help build. (24 of them in the last decade)