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Hastings Public Library, Hastings, MI

Community and Study Room Policies

Community Room

Purpose: As a community service, the Library makes its Community Room & Rooftop Garden available for use by the public when it is not being used for library related activities.

Community Room/Rooftop Garden Use:

  1. The public may use the Community Room/Rooftop Garden for meetings or to present programs for the general public.
    1. Programs must be open to all and non–soliciting.
    2. Groups using the Community Room/Rooftop Garden must not disrupt the normal functions of the Library.
    3. Use of the roof garden must be specifically indicated when scheduling the Community Room/Rooftop Garden.
  2. All groups should reserve the room at least one month and no more than six months in advance at the Library’s customer service desk. Reservations for after-hour usage, must be requested three (3) months
    in advance.
  3. Groups may telephone to check on room availability and a temporary hold may be requested. A completed reservation form and all applicable fees/deposits must be returned within twenty-four (24) hours of the hold being placed to complete the reservation.
    1. The reserving person assumes full responsibility for any damages to the facility or equipment. This person may not be less than 18 years old.
    2. There may be a fee for use of the Community Room/Rooftop Garden and all applicable fees and deposits will be collected when the application is submitted.
    3. The reservation form may also be printed from the library’s web site, completed by the applicant, and faxed or emailed to the library. This will be considered a temporary twenty-four (24) hour hold until all fees/deposits are paid.
    4. Library-related activities will be given priority when rooms are being scheduled.
  4. The library must be notified about cancellations no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to daytime events, seventy-two (72) hours for after hours events. All money is refunded if appropriate notice is given.
    1. For events during normal Library business hours: If 24-hour notice is not given, a $10 cancellation fee will be charged or withheld from deposits and the library has the right to re-rent out the room/rooms.
    2. For after-hours events: If a 72-hour notice is not given, a $50 cancellation fee will be charged or withheld from deposits and the library has the right to re-rent out the room/rooms.
  5. The Library reserves the right to cancel any reservation due to conditions described in the library closing policy e.g.: inclement weather. In such an event, all fees will be refunded.
  6. Beer and wine may be served at private events under these conditions:
    1. No alcohol can be in the building or served until the Library closes to the public.
    2. Private events with no admission fee can serve beer and/or wine with no special license or insurance requirements. The private party/business' insurance covers liability for the event.
    3. Private events charging any admission which includes access to beer and/or wine, or directly selling beer and/or wine, must provide HPL proof of an insurance rider for alcohol sales and a copy of a State of Michigan issued liquor license authorizing sale of beer and/or wine. Both documents are needed one (1) week prior to the event or alcohol will be prohibited from being served.
  7. The Library has tables and chairs available for the group or organization.
    1. If set-up is needed, complete the diagram on the reservation application.
    2. If set-up is not indicated on the reservation application, library staff will not leave their assigned duties to assist in set-ups.
    3. The room divider may not be moved without staff present.
  8. Library audio/visual equipment use must be requested on the reservation application.
    1. Library films used must be obtained for use through normal library circulation procedures.
    2. Staff will be responsible for set up and turning on/off all Library audio/visual equipment.
  9. Meetings may not begin before the Library opens for normal business and must be concluded fifteen (15) minutes before the Library closes (except approved after-hours events).
  10. Use of the Community Room/Rooftop Garden is subject to the general policies of the Library.
  11. Approval for use of the Community Room/Rooftop Garden is at the discretion of the Library Board.

Community Room Rules and Responsibilities:

  1. Hastings Public Library provides smoke-free facilities and grounds.
  2. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the Library except beer & wine at approved after-hours events on Friday or Saturday night.
  3. The storage of any materials in the Community Room is prohibited unless the group has made prior arrangements with the library staff.
  4. The kitchenette is used solely for library programming/activities unless otherwise arranged.
  5. Refreshments provided must be eaten inside the Community Room.
  6. Adult supervision is required when children under 18 are using the room.
  7. Normal operation of the Library is not to be disrupted by users of the Community Room/Rooftop Garden.
  8. Groups may not exceed the capacity of the Community Room/ Rooftop Garden individual maximum capacity.
  9. Users of the roof garden must not walk on the planted area.
  10. Users of the roof garden must stay off the wall and must not use the wall as a countertop.
  11. All objects must remain within the confines of the Community Room/Rooftop Garden.
  12. Materials are not to be attached to walls, windows, doors, or furnishings except at the direction of authorized Library staff.
  13. Promotional or informational materials may not be left in the Community Room and the name, address or telephone number of the Hastings Public Library may not be used as the contact person in any informational material.
  14. Groups are prohibited from making statements that indicate library sponsorship.
  15. Parking is available on State St., the north side of the library, the city lot by the fire station and Thornapple Plaza.
  16. Violations of this policy will result in cancellation of Community Room privileges.
  17. The Library is not liable for injuries to people, damage to their property, or loss of property belonging to individuals or groups using the Community Room/Rooftop Garden.
  18. The library reserves the right to refuse reservation of the Community Room/Rooftop Garden at the Library Board’s discretion.
  19. The Library will maintain statistics on meeting room use.
  20. Groups must adhere to all other published Library rules and policies.

User/Renter Responsibility:

  1. Room set-up and take-down.
  2. Providing all food service products including cups, plastic ware and plates.
  3. No food may be cooked in the community room but stove and microwave may be used for warming food. Refreshments or meals must be carry-in. Coffee or punch may be prepared using renter’s supplies. No RED, PURPLE OR BLUE punch/drink allowed.
  4. Supplies may not be stored in the community room without prior agreement with the Library Director.
  5. Coffee maker and minimal refrigerator space are available for use and must be emptied and cleaned out after each use.
  6. Items from the Community Room/Rooftop Garden may not be taken outside of the library.
  7. Trash must be collected and left by the community room doors completely tied up.
  8. Tables, chairs, counters and floors must be cleaned. Cleaning supplies are provided by the library.
  9. Table and chairs must be returned to normal set up.
  10. Cleaning deposit will be refunded after two BUSINESS days if all the above responsibilities are met. No refund will be given in the event that cleaning is required by library staff after room use. Deposits must be picked up within 30 days of notification or they will be forfeited.


Study Room

Purpose:  To provide a quiet area for individual or small group study sessions.

Study Room Use:

  1. The Study Room is available free of charge during library hours.
  2. The Library’s right to schedule these rooms for its own use takes precedence.
  3. Anyone wishing to reserve the Study Room must fill out an application at the Circulation Desk.
  4. The room may be reserved for up to 3 months at a time on a recurring basis but only to the end of the current calendar year quarter.
  5. The Study Room can be scheduled in up to three hour blocks. Additional time may be added if available.
  6. After one-half hour, if the Study Room has been reserved and the scheduled occupant does not arrive, the Library may reassign the Study Room to another user.

Study room Rules and responsibilities:

  1. The Study Room should not be used for social activities.
  2. Noise must be kept to a reasonable level and disruptive behavior is not allowed.
  3. Limited cell phone use is permitted.
  4. Room must be left in a clean and orderly condition.
  5. Drinking beverages in a spill-proof container is permitted.
  6. Users must adhere to all other published Library rules and policies.
  7. Anyone failing to abide by the policies governing the use of the Study Room may be denied future use of the room.